Three Notes and a Bridge

This book is in two parts, indicated by the title. "Three Notes" refers to a record company that I have completely fabricated, called the Three Note Music Group. Founded sometime in the 1940s or 1950s and specializing in jazz recordings, the company serves as an umbrella for a number of label imprints: Three Note Records, Snap Jazz, Prominent Recordings, Shoreline Records, Jazzopolis, Spontane! Jazz, and Article Records. (They added yasBeat Records just recently to accommodate newly-breaking underground rock acts like The Coatracks, but it's not a major part of the business.

The "Bridge" section presents images of a 2/3-mile-long bridge (now demolished) known as the Sixth Street Viaduct in Los Angeles. In "Bridge," my goal is to present something that was uniquely LA, and to show it in ways that it was not usually presented. In my time visiting the bridge, there were never large amounts of traffic or crowds of people on it, no matter the time of day. This made for a rather serene and meditative experience while visiting the massive structure. That feeling, combined with the aesthetic beauty of the bridge, is what I hope to convey in these images.

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